I'm closer to the trolls
(too old to reply)
Naughty Boy
2006-10-20 03:03:36 UTC
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 10:03 pm Naughty Boy was alt.fashion and
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:30 pm Naughty Boy was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:19 pm dev null was alt.fashion and
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:10 pm dev null was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 08:58 pm dev null was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 08:28 pm dev null was
alt.fashion and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 07:57 pm dev null was
alt.fashion and said
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 19:20:38 -0700, feverish
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 05:30 am Looking Glass was
alt.fashion and said
I have been working on exposing the trolls, They all
seem to be affiliated with some organization called
After extensive research, I am real close.
It's either University of Texas Baylor
This place in Denmark.
I'm close, I know it, more soon to come.
Awww.. ain't you a cute one. heheheh
Come on. Out me. Go for it, cupcake.
OK, You live in Colorado, Own a dog, You like a troll who
lives in Colorado...You will be owned..I will own JoO!
Oops! You about got me.
Only, I don't live in Colorado.
I *might* like a torll what lives there.
Owned? We'll see.
And you drink green tea. And this faggot torll you like?
I'll kick his ass and soon you will be mine.
You think so? Ha!!
My torll can kick your torll's ass any day.
I don't hace a torll, I is teh torll...and I will rips your
torlls head off and shat down his neck.
You is the torll who torlled teh torll. Yea, that's j0o.
But I is teh torll what torlled teh torll too.
So nyeh~
Whatchoo gonna do now, *sweet* thang?
I give up, Take me and do as you wish.
Even if it involves play piercing and kink lesbians?
Will Mika be playing also?
Nope. Gots my own.
Is this a private party or can anyone join?
Sorry, I'm a one torll kinda chiXor.
OK. Let's get rid of dev null and then it will be just you and me
Hmm.. lemme think about that one.
He must be good... :-)

2006-10-20 03:49:06 UTC
On Thursday 19 October 2006 08:03 pm Naughty Boy was alt.fashion and said
Post by Naughty Boy
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 10:03 pm Naughty Boy was alt.fashion and
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:30 pm Naughty Boy was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:19 pm dev null was alt.fashion and
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 09:10 pm dev null was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 08:58 pm dev null was alt.fashion
and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 08:28 pm dev null was
alt.fashion and said
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 07:57 pm dev null was
alt.fashion and said
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 19:20:38 -0700, feverish
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 05:30 am Looking Glass was
alt.fashion and said
I have been working on exposing the trolls, They all
seem to be affiliated with some organization called
After extensive research, I am real close.
It's either University of Texas Baylor
This place in Denmark.
I'm close, I know it, more soon to come.
Awww.. ain't you a cute one. heheheh
Come on. Out me. Go for it, cupcake.
OK, You live in Colorado, Own a dog, You like a troll who
lives in Colorado...You will be owned..I will own JoO!
Oops! You about got me.
Only, I don't live in Colorado.
I *might* like a torll what lives there.
Owned? We'll see.
And you drink green tea. And this faggot torll you like?
I'll kick his ass and soon you will be mine.
You think so? Ha!!
My torll can kick your torll's ass any day.
I don't hace a torll, I is teh torll...and I will rips your
torlls head off and shat down his neck.
You is the torll who torlled teh torll. Yea, that's j0o.
But I is teh torll what torlled teh torll too.
So nyeh~
Whatchoo gonna do now, *sweet* thang?
I give up, Take me and do as you wish.
Even if it involves play piercing and kink lesbians?
Will Mika be playing also?
Nope. Gots my own.
Is this a private party or can anyone join?
Sorry, I'm a one torll kinda chiXor.
OK. Let's get rid of dev null and then it will be just you and me
Hmm.. lemme think about that one.
He must be good... :-)
He's my very own torll!
And yea, he's good. Very good. :)

