Asshole threatens children
(too old to reply)
P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
2005-09-20 21:29:20 UTC
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too, arrange a
meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these aren't
threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real as the bricks
and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Send a copy to:

Chief Superintendant Terry,
Commander of the North & East Devon Basic Command Unit,
Heavitree Road,
EX1 2AR.

He is responsible for these issues & is already aware of some of the threats
so far as well as the Chief Constables office, they are the best people to
properly deal with this ongoing problem.

Lamey - The cable guy
2005-09-21 14:21:07 UTC
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too, arrange a
meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these aren't
threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real as the bricks
and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Chief Superintendant Terry,
Commander of the North & East Devon Basic Command Unit,
Heavitree Road,
EX1 2AR.
Isn't that the famous troll prison?
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
He is responsible for these issues & is already aware of some of the threats
so far as well as the Chief Constables office, they are the best people to
properly deal with this ongoing problem.


2007-05-18 13:18:08 UTC
Post by Lamey - The cable guy
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too,
arrange a meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and
drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these
aren't threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real
as the bricks and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Chief Superintendant Terry,
Commander of the North & East Devon Basic Command Unit,
Heavitree Road,
EX1 2AR.
Isn't that the famous troll prison?
Nah, that's where his mother works. Excellent place for
Post by Lamey - The cable guy
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
He is responsible for these issues & is already aware of some of the
threats so far as well as the Chief Constables office, they are the
best people to properly deal with this ongoing problem.
"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea--
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining and a
source of mind boggling amounts of excement when you
least expect it."
2005-09-25 18:29:12 UTC
You are a self made fool grant, you can look in the mirror and cry "All
my own work!"
Your real problem is this.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
You think your opinion / ass is special.
It isn't
That's just your opinion/asshole.
The more you try to convince everyone it is, the more you piss people off.
I'm not pissed.
You are seemingly unable to comprehend the fact that not everyone else
out there is like you. Not all of them are spouting opinion all the
time, some of them are speaking factually.
Name one.
You think when I say these things that I do I am just trolling or
spouting my opinion, because that is what you are and what you do, but
you are wrong, I am neither trolling nor stating opinion, I am stating
cold hard facts.
Who's blog did you steal them from?
I know things that you do not know.
Leave your abuse as a child out of this.
At this time I know things that literally only a handful of human being
know..... for now.
I warned you.
I was the second person on the planet to know things, the first being
the person who formulated said ideas.
Are you going to post some of Grandmas recipes?
If I were to come down to your place now and sit you and your missus
down and tell you these things this is what would happen.
1/ the blood would drain from your faces
Prolly that fugly face of yours.
2/ you would say something along the lines of
in very awed and subdued tones
Yup, it's the face.
3/ your missus would say something (to you) along the lines of
what the fuck have you done
4/ you would both lose many night's sleep
you've got my email, use it, either send me your phone number or ask for
mine, there's a lot of stuff I can't and won't tell you, but I guarantee
one of two outcomes
a/ you will wise up and find a new hobby, pronto
b/ you will see the inside of a prison, and if your wife and kids stay
with you it will be sans posessions
This guy really pushed your button didn't he obsesso?
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the whites
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too, arrange a
meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these aren't
threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real as the bricks
and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Cracklin' Aka Reel Mckoi aka Carol has been caught in various vicious
lies Before plaguing ARJW with her nonsense, she use to plague the
Health NG Do a google search on Yarrow / windsong / Carol for more
details. She engages people in senseless debates about absolutely
nothing. Her intent on ARJW is to slander JW's. On rec.ponds She want to
be the all knowing Guru, even though she plagerize other members
articles from the past.

Before you reply, you may want to ask her a few things or only one.
_Where does she get her information?
_Can her information be verified?
_Is the information up to date?
_What is the purpose of her post? To present reliable facts about JW's
or sling mud on A religious organization in good standing in almost
every country in the world?

Ask her for evidence of her claims before proceeding with your
conversation with her, if not you may be end up wasting your time and
bandwidth on discussing subjects based on fraudulent and fabricated
information. This is how she manipulates clueless bystanders in
participating with her distributing false information elsewhere?

Facts about Carol:

*She can never present evidence.
*She never reveals the source of her info (because there is none). Her
reply, is: "everybody already knows". If everybody knew, why bring it
*She always hides her identity. And change her header to avoid
killfiles. A TOS offense
*She cuts and paste, rewrite postings, and will even forge e-mail
;which her ISP allows her to do. Just ask them: ***@direcpc.com

If your newsgroups has been victim of Carol's MCP and ECP that is off
topic; You can report her.

Her account is dpc6682112001.direcpc.com and you may report her to:

by calling 1-800-DirecPC, by emailing us at ***@direcpc.com, or
by writing to:

Customer Care Center
11717 Exploration Lane
Germantown, MD 20876 USA

Her use of remailers can still be traced to her account.
No American ISP like to be associated with Hate Speech no matter if Hate
speech is protected under the First. It affects their commercial interest.
Then you can contact your own ISP and have them add them to their
block List the following spam servers that allow illegal activity and
spam to come from their servers:

2007-05-18 13:16:52 UTC
"P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5"
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too,
arrange a meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and
drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these
aren't threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real
as the bricks and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Chief Superintendant Terry,
Commander of the North & East Devon Basic Command Unit,
Heavitree Road,
EX1 2AR.
He is responsible for these issues & is already aware of some of the
threats so far as well as the Chief Constables office, they are the
best people to properly deal with this ongoing problem.
LMGDAO!! And then some.. There's no threat to children there.. The
"Chief Constable" will laugh at you and think you're nutz.....
"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea--
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining and a
source of mind boggling amounts of excement when you
least expect it."
2007-05-18 13:34:31 UTC
On Fri, 18 May 2007 08:16:52 -0500, "Seymore_Hiney"
Post by Seymore_Hiney
"P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5"
Post by P©WÉ®T©©LMÂN ²ºº5
think I'm bullshitting, speak to me on the phone, want to see the
of my eyes while I say it so you can read body language too,
arrange a meet, tonight if you like, just hop in your car and
drive for one hour.
I promise you, on YOUR kids lives, I'm not a bullshitter, these
aren't threats, this isn't some elaborate troll, this is as real
as the bricks and mortar of exeter jail.
The threat concerning the kids has been reported.
Chief Superintendant Terry,
Commander of the North & East Devon Basic Command Unit,
Heavitree Road,
EX1 2AR.
He is responsible for these issues & is already aware of some of the
threats so far as well as the Chief Constables office, they are the
best people to properly deal with this ongoing problem.
LMGDAO!! And then some.. There's no threat to children there.. The
"Chief Constable" will laugh at you and think you're nutz.....
Where di you find this? it's a froggery. I want this bastard.
Usenet lits score:

#20 Usenet asshole
#6 Lits Slut
#9 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
<approved by Lionel>
#11 Most posting trolls/hunters/flonkers 2007
#1 Disenfranchised AUK Kookologist.
#1 AUK Galactic Killfile Award
Post by Seymore_Hiney
Oh fer fucksakes. Welcome to my killfile you annoying little gnat.
<working on one of them specheel AUK awards>